Garden Design - Patios - Pointing - Walling Wet and Dry - Driveways - Fencing - Decking - Ponds - Water Features - Large Scale Tree and Hedge Work - Planting -  Turfing - Drainage



If you're not on Facebook then here is one of our older projects-


Home farm, Beckwithshaw - 

A few years back I arrived on a windy corner of Beckwithshaw and met Tracey and John. We began the process of designing the rear of their garden. The original garden had been designed before and it had the makings of something but lacked so much. 

Many of its features didn't line up with the house. This normally isn't a problem if its wildly out as we can work with it but with them being irritatingly close it meant starting again.

We started by lifted the York stone, filled in both ponds (after moving their inhabitants) and set some strong lines down the garden to take your eyes into the beautiful corn fields beyond the fence line. With a large digger we moved half of the laurel hedge and filled the gaps with Photinia to give a mixed backdrop.

Using gravel paths from a circular hub of stone we gave access 

through an area of prairie planting with its own circular deck, nectar bar and into a Veggy area.

On the other side the path leads to the compost bins and sits 

alongside our main herbaceous border that further breaks up the heavy effect of the laurel. A side path from this leads into a reflective pool and seating area which has been sensory planted. We had the pool made by the chap at 'Yorkshire Lead' who also made the Lions mask for the water feature in the seating area.

With planting, the garden came to life and now three years on its looking the part. 

A few years later we completed the front garden...... Its developed rather nicely!!!!